Author Archives: Scott

My Article Posted at The Pneuma Review


by Scott

I’ve written on many issues at my blog related to continuationist theology – the view that all the gifts of God continue today, including such things as prophecy, tongues, miracles, healings, apostles, prophets, etc.

Today, an article of mine was posted at The Pneuma Review. This is a journal of ministry resources and theology for Pentecostals and charismatics. The article is entitled, “Does God Still Give Revelation Today?” Continue reading

The Pneuma Review & Craig Keener


by Scott

This week, I came across a newer online resource. It’s an online journal that particularly provides ministry resources and theological articles for Pentecostals and charismatics. It’s entitled The Pneuma Review, pneuma being the Greek word for spirit.

The Pneuma Review lays forth their mission statement in this way:

“To lead Pentecostal/charismatic believers to a greater understanding of God’s Word and assisting church leaders in equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. We also long for greater dialogue between Evangelicals about doctrine, and by way of an open forum, to promote Biblically-centered theological discussion on the gifts of the Spirit.”

I ultimately came across it when I saw a tweet about Craig Keener’s review of Strange Fire, the new release of John MacArthur, which flows in tandem with the recent conference. Continue reading

Great Resources for Charismatic Theology


by Scott

In light of a recent conference (I share here and here), I’ve been blogging a bit more about various issues on continuationist-charismatic theology: the belief that all gifts of God are still available today, just as they were for the early church we read about in the New Testament.

So I thought I would list 20 books that might be worth reading. They are not in any particular order of what I consider best. Rather, they are in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

Some of them are commentary-like. Some of them are theologically driven. Some of them are more devotional. Some of them provide testimonies. And some of them are a conglomeration of these categories.

I hope they provide some good food for thought. This is pretty similar to the books listed on our Resources page. Continue reading

Adrian Warnock Interacts with MacArthur’s Book, Strange Fire


Many will be aware of the Strange Fire Conference headed up last week by John MacArthur. It’s all in preparation for the release of his new book, out next month, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship. Actually, the audio recordings of all conference sessions are now available.

I wanted to make you aware that, Adrian Warnock, one of the leaders of Jubilee Church London, is interacting with a pre-release copy of MacArthur’s book. The series is called, “Every biblical argument refuted.” His basic premise is to take any biblical arguments put forth in the book and, from a charismatic-continuationst perspective, offer a rebuttal. Continue reading

Does God Still Give Revelation Today?

by Scott

Continuationists believe God still speaks today, not only through the word of God in Scripture, but even through specific words or what we might term ‘revelations’. These revelations can come in various manners – prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, visions, dreams, etc. – but God is still communicating and speaking today. He actually never desired anything less.

However, what can get easily leveled against continuationists, from the more cessationist camp, is the idea that such revelation would no longer be needed knowing we now have the completed revelation of God in Jesus Christ, which is, of course, summarized in the full canon of Scripture that now includes the New Testament. This revelation is the final word and no other such revelation is needed.

And I understand the concern, especially noting such doctrines coming out of the Reformation such as the sufficiency of Scripture. However, I think there is a very balanced approach that allows for Scripture to maintain its very needed place as the God-breathed and authoritative written revelation of God while maintaining that God still speaks, reveals and communicates today.

Here is what I believe we need to recognize. Continue reading